MicroLan Systems will work with your engineers on configurations and design improvements of custom ‘built-to-order’ computing systems. We provide racks for industrial applications, database servers, web servers, and networks. Perfect for commercial and government systems encountering robust handling, laboratory or workshop environments.
MSI goes to extraordinary logistical lengths to ensure all the components of your design are identical for the entire delivery schedule in spite of the rapid obsolescence characteristic of the computer industry. Minimal drawing revisions, no revisions to training materials, no software changes due to driver changes: these are all big customer savings.
Look to MSI when you
*Must Have All the Same Components for the Life of the Program *.
As a provider to the Northrop Grumman Corporation, MSI’s rackmount servers manage most of the US Postal Service’s flat mail distribution in the US.
MicroLan Systems will:
All operations are managed to ISO 9001:2008 standards; First Article Inspection, process audits, work instructions, quality inspections, documentation.